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International Workshop on Digital ecosystems implementation in culture and education in Latvia Culture College", organized by the Latvian Culture College at Latvian Academy of Culture, 30.07.2019, Riga, Latvia


Second Information Day: Innovation Ecosystems of Digital Cultural Assets, organized in the frame of the Ninth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage—DiPP2019 (September 26-28, 2019), and Researchers Night'19 (September, 27, 2019), Burgas, Bulgaria


International Workshop on Methods and Tools for Development of Digital Ecosystems for Culture and Art Education, organized by the Latvian Culture College at Latvian Academy of Culture, 28.07.2017, Riga, Latvia


First Information Day: Innovation Ecosystems of Digital Cultural Assets, organized in the frame of the Seventh International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage—DiPP2017, September 7-9, 2017, Burgas, Bulgaria